UnityPay for High-Risk Merchant Accounts

Our tailored approach, transparent practices, and unwavering support set us apart in the High-Risk Merchant industry. Discover a partnership that empowers your growth and amplifies your success

High-Risk Merchant


At UnityPay, we recognize Unique Challenges Faced by Certain Merchants

There are certain businesses that fall into the “high-risk merchant” category, which often poses hurdles when attempting to secure a merchant account. At UnityPay, we firmly believe that being classified as High-Risk Merchant should not result in receiving subpar treatment. We are committed to offering top-tier services regardless of the risk category a business may fall under.


Your success is our priority

Mitigate Chargeback Risk

Chargebacks can wreak havoc on your business's bottom line. With Unity Pay’s advanced fraud prevention tools and chargeback management strategies we offer, you minimize the risks associated with chargebacks, safeguarding your revenue and reputation.

Expertise in Payments

Navigating the complex world of high-risk payment processing requires a partner who knows the ropes. UnityPay brings a wealth of knowledge to the high-risk industry, ensuring that you get payment solutions that are not only effective but also compliant with industry regulations.

High-Reward for High-Risk

Our exceptional service and competitive rates stand out remarkably in the payment processing industry and merchant services.


Other Merchant Accounts

Looking for other Merchant Services? Find more below-

B2B Merchents

Simplifying B2B Payments for Smarter Business Operations

Retail Merchant

Tailored plans and services that satisfy every need of retailers.

Restaurant Merchant

Providing payment solutions for restaurants of all sizes with our expertise.

Medical Industry

For seamless PCI security and compliance of Medical Merchant Account.

E commerce Merchant

Elevate Your E-commerce with our Payment Solutions.

B2B Payment
Retail Merchants
Restaurant Merchant Services
Medical Merchant Services
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Let’s get started!

Ready to transform your payment processing experience? Fill out the form below to get started with Unity Pay. Let’s make payments easier and more secure for your business today! 

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Open Hours:

9 am - 8 pm


656 Quince Orchard Rd STE 300,
Gaithersburg, MD 20878, United States